International Office
In times were borders are drawn, mentally and physically – art can help to go across!
Visualizing insider views evokes
self-reflection of the maker and
engagement of the viewer.
Our vision is Empowerment and chances for transborder perceptions.
André Jolles
… grew up in Tanzania and studied music and dance at the Folkwang Hochschule in Essen. He is a choreographer and initiated various international dance projects and performances. He has a MA degree for Dance culture at the German Sport University Cologne and is currently working for a civil peace project in East-Timor.
Lucia Lehmann
… has worked in social and artistic projects in South America, Asia and Africa and founded the “Casa del Encanto” in Muisne, Ecuador. She studied cultural anthropology and pedagogy. As a performance and voice artist and as author and editor she is freelancing for different publishers, at schools and other spaces with the focus to bridge a gap.
Ana Valeria Gonzalez
Neema Bagamuhunda
Frank Erler
Juma Majanga
Tessa Knapp
David Owino
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